• What are the conditions of sale of Safe Rain, S.L.?

    You can find out what the sales conditions of Safe Rain, S.L. downloading the file General conditions of sale in pdf format. It describes our conditions regarding prices, delivery times, shipping, return policy, guarantee and jurisdiction.

  • How can I purchase SAFE-RAIN products?

    Fill out our contact form and one of our sales consultants will contact you as soon as possible. Please note that the more detailed the information you give us, the better we will be able to respond to your initial contact.

  • How experienced are you at exporting your products?

    Since 1982, we have had a specific product export department that is committed to distributing our materials across five continents.

  • Important question How are the goods delivered to my address?

    We entrust the transportation of our products to major logistics firms, ensuring delivery within 2 - 7 days. We are able to delivery our material in all countrys of the world.

  • Important question Does SAFE-RAIN have a distributor in my country?

    Nuestros DistribuidoresWe have an extensive network of local distributors. Fill out the contact form and your nearest distributor or our export department will get in touch with you. If we do not have a wholesale distributor close to your town, our sales department will deal with your order directly, advising on the most suitable products for your project, and later on the import process.

  • How do you guarantee that my purchase will reach me in perfect condition?

    Each delivery is individually tracked and, in the event of any loss or damage, the goods are immediately re-delivered at no extra charge.

  • How does SAFE-RAIN guarantee the quality of its products?

    The quality of SAFE-RAIN products is guaranteed by the numerous tests carried out on its designs before they are marketed. This approach is endorsed by the trust our customers have placed in our products over the years.

  • Does SAFE-RAIN control the quality of its everyday management?

    The ISO9001:2008 quality certificate audited by an independent, external entity guarantees quality in terms of design, production and marketing.

  • What guarantee do SAFE-RAIN products come with?

    All products manufactured by SAFE-RAIN S.L. carry a TWO-YEAR GUARANTEE, which is valid from the customer purchase date against any manufacturing defects. Any products not manufactured by SAFE-RAIN, S.L. fall under the guarantee offered by the relevant manufacturer.

  • How can I obtain advice about SAFE-RAIN products?

    Fill out the contact form stating your query and you will receive advice from a qualified technician. All our sales consultants are expert technicians who can advise you on the product that most closely meets the needs of your project.


  • Key Preliminary Considerations

    The characteristics of the location of your installation (park, square, garden, shopping centre, indoors, etc.) and its desired effect (main attraction, boundary demarcation, secondary effect) are decisive in the design of any water feature

  • Basin Sizes and Specifications

    The basin of any water feature fountain must be functionally attractive and as small as possible. It must be able to hold the volume of water circulating when the water fountain is not in operation, and be fitted with mechanisms and automatic devices that guarantee the minimum water level required by the submersible pumps at peak performance. Level sensors, drains and overflows will be installed to monitor the level of water in the basin. The water jet splash radius, which for practical purposes is taken to be the same as its height, also determines the minimum size of the basin.

  • Nozzle Fountains, Spray Rings and Water Pumps units

    The type and number of fountain nozzles, the way in which they are connected and the specifications of the pumping station chosen determine how the water feature fountain will operate. In other words: the height of the water jets,thetype of jet, etc. In this section, we will focus on the flow and pressure rates required for each type of fountain nozzle. This information is written on our technical data sheets. Jet pipes can be grouped together so that they can be fed separately, enabling a more accurate adjustment and allowing the water feature fountain to operate partially during periods when there are fewer visitors.

  • How to prevent the discharge effect in very long spray rings?

    Head loss, in either circular spray rings or very long pipe stocks, causes a gradual reduction in the height of water jets directly related to their length. Allowing water to enter at several points in the water manifold prevents this shortening effect from occurring.

  • Minimum water flow in the pumping station

    The size of the pumping station is determined by the operating pressure and the total flow volume of the water fountain, which is the sum of the individual flows (technical data sheets) from each fountain nozzle. Installation costs permitting, we highly recommend the use of a double pumping system to guarantee that the water feature fountain will operate even during breakdowns and to allow for scheduled maintenance and repairs, as well as “sharing” wear and tear.

  • Considerations when iluminating a water feature fountain

    Architectural fountain lighting is a very important consideration: the choice of using white light, conventional colours or underwater LEDS needs to be evaluated. The height of the water jet that will be lit has to be taken into account in order to choose the projector that best meets your needs. In order for a water fountain to stand out at night, it has to be bathed in more light than the backlight of a city at night.

  • How to install coloured lights in an architectural fountain?

    In conventional lighting, colour filters can be used to convert any spotlight to the desired colour. They are easy to use and economical. The use of DMX controllers and LED RGB lamps serves to create lighting of any colour, which changes in a synchronised manner.

  • Lighting up a 10m hight water jet

    In order to be seen, the 10 m jet has to be lit to over 300 lux (the approximate backlight in cities at night-time). From the product technical data sheets, you can calculate that a HALOSPOT spotlight with a 75 W SPOT lamp would light up 10 m to approximately 600 lux. Therefore, that would be the best lamp to install. With the help of watertight conduits and distribution boxes, both components that have been developed by our technical department, the complete watertightness of the water fountain's electrical installation can be assured.

  • Lighting up a Spray Cloud

    Spray clouds are created using high density spray nozzles, which produce a “mist cloud” of microscopic drops at low height. In order to illuminate them, lights with an extensive beam are used to guarantee a greater lighting radius. Our product range includes a variety of models that produce lighting of this type in white lights, coloured conventional lights or LEDs.

  • LED and RGB

    Our submersible fountain lights enable LED lamps to be used, with all the advantages they offer: low consumption, extended service life, high luminary performance, coloured lights, changing and programmable colours, etc. The technical data sheets on spotlights detail the light output range for each lamp, together with the technical specifications of our DMX programmers and power supply units.


    When to install a floating fountain?

    Dissolved oxygen content in water is the factor that determines the type of organisms that can be found in a pond. Low oxygen levels cause fish to die, and algae and unpleasant-odour-producing anaerobic microorganisms, etc. to proliferate. Water currents regulate dissolved oxygen content in water naturally. However, when there are insufficient or no water currents, dissolved oxygen levels drop, thus making it necessary to oxygenate the water mechanically. Aerators / floating fountains fulfil a dual objective thanks to the water movement they generate; they oxygenate the water and are also decorative, which is why they should be given serious consideration when designing any natural or artificial pond.

  • When aeration is necessary for a pond?

    This depends on the size, surfacearea, depth, water quality, run-off, etc of the pond. We believe that 1 HP aeration is sufficient for every 4,000 square metres of normal pond area. This data enables you to calculate your precise needs more accurately.
